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Carpentry Fund

$50 allows a carpentry shop intern to produce five high quality cutting boards
$50 allows a carpentry shop intern to produce f...
Value: $0

Intern Training Fund

$250 allows Agusto Valla, our carpentry instructor or Jessica Guiterrez, our sewing instructior to continue loving an...
$250 allows Agusto Valla, our carpentry instruc...
Value: $0

Kitchen Garden in Nicaragua

$75 equips a single mom with the supplies and instruction needed to start a new kitchen garden in a Nicaworks! commun...
$75 equips a single mom with the supplies and i...
Value: $0

School Uniform

$25 empowers a seamstress intern to produce one school uniform for an impoverished child.
$25 empowers a seamstress intern to produce one...
Value: $0